Free Workshop Goes Behind the Scenes of Cantonese Opera Production (Oct. 12)
The Vancouver Public Library is hosting a fascinating look behind the scenes of an upcoming production of The Prop Master’s Dream by the Vancouver Cantonese Opera. The free workshop on Saturday, Oct. 12, at 1 p.m. explores the true story of Wah-Kwan Gwan (1929-2000), who was born to a Chinese father and an Indigenous mother in BC. Taken to China as an infant, Gwan was raised by a family involved in Cantonese Opera and he himself became a performer and prop master. Gwan returned to Vancouver as an adult and befriended Rosa Cheng, who wrote The Prop Master’s Dream. Registration is required for the Oct. 12 workshop. The Vancouver Cantonese Opera fusion opera production (performed in Cantonese and English with English and Chinese subtitles) takes place at the Vancouver Playhouse on Nov. 2 at 2 and 7:30 p.m.