RBC Granfondo Whistler Set for Big Ride Up the Sea-to-Sky Corridor (Sept. 7)

Granfondo Whistler riders can register to participate in three distance categories: Forte – 152km, Gran Fondo – 122km, or Medio – 55km. Illustration: BB

The epic RBC Granfondo Whistler takes place this Saturday, Sept 7. Participants begin North America’s largest Gran Fondo in Stanley Park at 7 a.m. and travel 122 kilometres up the Sea-to-Sky Corridor to Whistler Village. The challenging route includes 1900 metres of elevation over the course of the “big ride.” Riders can register to participate in three distance categories: Forte – 152km, Gran Fondo – 122km, or Medio – 55km. The route north is vehicle-free during the event, with spectators limited to the start in Stanley Park and the finish in Whistler, where an all-day party greets riders in the Olympic Plaza

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